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AT UNWRAPPED LIFE, WE LOVE OUR SOLID SHAMPOO BARS AND CONDITIONER BARS FOR A WHOLE HOST OF REASONS! CHECK OUT OUR TOP EIGHT REASONS BELOW!  1.) SHAMPOO BARS ARE PACKAGE FREE! This is by far the number one reason to make the switch to shampoo bars and conditioner bars. These little pucks don’t require packaging, so they are much better for the environment than their bottled counterparts.  I hunted around the Internet for some statistics on shampoo usage so I could try and wrap my head around how many bottles of shampoo there are in circulation globally, but I wasn’t able to find anything that directly answered that question. Instead, I found some U.S. Census and Simmons National Consumer Survey (NHCS) data that claim...

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Go Natural! Here’s Why Switching to Natural Soaps is a Must

From foods to cleaning products- literally anything and everything that we use today on a daily basis is packed full of chemicals, additives and flavoring agents, all of which tend to have a negative impact on health. Thankfully, there’s also been a recent rise in awareness about how they could impact health in the long run, which has given rise to a whole new branch of products when it comes to skincare in particular- natural products. The question is, are these ‘natural’ soaps and moisturizers really worth your time? Keep reading to find out! The Benefits of Going Natural From goat milk soap to castile soap - a quick look on Pinterest will tell you just how popular natural and homemade...

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It’s amazing how so many of our traditional Indian beauty regimes are making a come-back in this day and age. Take a look at Shikakai or Acacia concinna, a climbing shrub that is native to Asia. Shikakai is commonly found in India and has been traditionally used as a hair cleanser in several parts of our country.  Remember the brown paste that our grandmas washed their hair with? Well it has numerous fabulous hair care benefits! You would be surprised to know how many hair ailments this natural hair cleanser can cure! Let’s look at 8 of these reasons why shikakai absolutely needs to become a part of your hair care routine: 1. Shikakai can make your hair soft and shiny Shikakai is...

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Eliminate Plastic Shampoo Bottles!

More than 552 million shampoo bottles could be ending up in landfills every year the number of shampoo bottles thrown out in the United States every year could fill 1,164 football fields only 1 in 5 people consistently recycle items from the bathroom Now think about these statistics on a global scale, and add to that all of the travel size shampoo bottles in hotels around the world that are replaced with each new guest! The numbers become staggering very quickly… Yes, shampoo and conditioner bottles are easy to recycle after a quick rinse, but how many people are actually doing that regularly? Given the statistics above stating that under 10% of plastic is recycled historically, in my mind, it’s...

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Let's Put an End to Plastic Pollution

Our passion stems from feeling accountable to future generations and the belief that we can and should do better to not exploit our earth and treat it like a trash can. I can tell you, raising two little people, I feel it is my duty to do what I can on a daily basis to ensure that my children, and all children, will be able to enjoy the beauty and wonder of the pristine natural world.  It saddens me to think that it is perhaps tainted beyond repair, as the statistics are pretty scary, especially around plastics. According to a study, summarized by the New York Times, 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic have been produced since it was introduced in the 1950s,...

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